Select a criterion (ex. County) and wait for the list of keywords.
Select one or more keywords (hold Shift to select consecutive keywords or Ctrl for scattered keywords) and then press Search button. The result of the selection is listed below.
Press ID of the first column to display site’s details.
The result of the first selection can be filtered by another criterion (for example, Period). The first criterion is preserved until it is canceled, modified or all criteria are canceled. Any selection observes all the selected criteria. And to each criterion the selection result displays records that contain at least one selected keyword.
Situl arheologic de la Clinceni - Biserica lui Ramadan Paleologul. Situl se află pe malul stâng al Sabarului, traversat de drumul spre aeroportul Clinceni.
locuire; structură de cult
aşezare; edificiu religios
Clinceni, com. Clinceni
Aşezare, Biserică
Epoca medievală, Epoca romană
sec. IX - XI, sec. III - IV p. Chr., sec. XVI-XVIII