Site Information
Location   Display on the map of Romania
RAN Code   54984.96
LMI Code (List of Historic Monuments) History Monuments List of 2010   CJ-II-m-A-07271
Name   Bastionul Croitorilor de la Cluj-Napoca
County   Cluj
Commune   Municipiul Cluj-Napoca
City/Town/Village   Cluj-Napoca
Address   Strada Baba Novac 35
Landmark   Bastionul se află la intersecţie cu str. Avram Iancu şi Piaţa Baba Novac.
Site Class   locuire
Site Type   sistem defensiv
Ownership   stat
Owner   Primăria
Last record update   13.08.2012
Class/ Type Period (Date) Culture/ Cultural phase Documentary attestation Description/ Notes LMI Code
bastion  Epoca medievală (sec. XV-XVII)        