Information about the picture
Date   2009
Published source   Chronicle of the Archaeological Excavations in Romania, 2009 Campaign - Report no. 100
Internet reference  
Sites linked to the picture
Site Information   Display on the map of Romania*
RAN Code   144063.02
Name   Cetatea medievală de la Avrig - La Cetate
County   Sibiu
Commune   Oraş Avrig
City/Town/Village   Avrig
Place   La Cetate
Landmark   Cetatea medievală aşezată pe o culme ce coboară din vârful Suru al Munţilor Făgăraş, la o altitudine de 846 m, între localităţile Avrig şi Racoviţa (judeţul Sibiu).
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Image taken from the Chronicle of the Archaeological Excavations in Romania, 2009 Campaign. Report no. 100