Information about the picture
Date   2015
Published source   Chronicle of the Archaeological Excavations in Romania, 2015 Campaign - Report no. 89
Internet reference  
Sites linked to the picture
Site Information   Display on the map of Romania*
RAN Code   36603.04
LMI Code (List of Historic Monuments) History Monuments List of 2010   BT-II-a-A-01959
Name   Mănăstirea medievală Sfântul Nicolae de la Coşula
County   Botoşani
Commune   Coşula
City/Town/Village   Coşula
Address   1
Landmark   În partea sudică a judeţului Botoşani, la cca. 20 km de reşedinţa de judeţ, pe drumul DE 58 Iaşi – Botoşani care străbate de la sud la nord intravilanul satului Buda, la 3 km vest de acesta.
Geomorphology   deal
Land utility   locuire
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Image taken from the Chronicle of the Archaeological Excavations in Romania, 2015 Campaign. Report no. 89