Site Information
Location   Display on the map of Romania *
RAN Code   99003.01
Name   Situl arheologic de la Scobinţi - Dealul Basaraba
County   Iaşi
Commune   Scobinţi
City/Town/Village   Scobinţi
Place   Dealul Basaraba
Landmark   Situl se află în partea de vest a localităţii.
Geomorphology   deal
Land utility   pădure; păşune; agricultură
Site Class   locuire
Site Type   aşezare
Discoverer   A. Florescu, M. Florescu
Date of discovery   1978
Site Surface   2.80 ha.
State of preservation   precară / 15.05.2023
Last record update   15.05.2023
Class/ Type Period (Date) Culture/ Cultural phase Documentary attestation Description/ Notes LMI Code
aşezare  Eneolitic Cucuteni      
Aşezare  La Tène (sec. V-III a. Chr.) geto-dacică      
Aşezare  Epoca medievală (sec. XVI-XVII)        
  Type Year Observations Institution Name Forename
1. evaluare de teren 2016-2020

* BERZOVAN Alexandru
2. evaluare de teren 1970-1980

* FLORESCU Marinela

1. Berzovan, Alexandru, A getic center of power in the area of Cotnari (Iași county, Romania), Acta Musei Tiberiopolitani, 2017, 68, [Publicaţie]
2. Berzovan, Alexandru, At the Borders of the Great Steppe: Late Iron Age Hillforts between the Eastern Carpathians and Prut (5th - 3rd centuries BC), Editura Mega, Cluj-Napoca, 2022, 141-145, [Publicaţie]