Site Information
Location   Display on the map of Romania
RAN Code   61728.03
Name   Aşezarea elenistică de la Şipotele
County   Constanţa
Commune   Deleni
City/Town/Village   Şipotele
Geomorphology   deal
Site Class   locuire
Site Type   aşezare
Notes   X=738510.0393 Y=286190.8366
X=738655.8664 Y=286190.8366
X=738655.8664 Y=286093.7195
X=738510.0393 Y=286093.7195
Last record update   02.12.2009
Class/ Type Period (Date) Culture/ Cultural phase Documentary attestation Description/ Notes LMI Code
Aşezare  La Tène (sec.III-II a.Hr) elenistică      

1. Constantin, Robert [Fişă de sit]