Information about the picture
Date   2002
Published source   Chronicle of the Archaeological Excavations in Romania, 2002 Campaign - Report no. 172
Internet reference  
Sites linked to the picture
Site Information   Display on the map of Romania*
RAN Code   155537.03
LMI Code (List of Historic Monuments) History Monuments List of 2010   TM-I-s-B-06085
Name   Situl arheologic de la Sânnicolau Mare - Selişte
County   Timiş
Commune   Oraş Sânnicolau Mare
City/Town/Village   Sânnicolau Mare
Place   Selişte
Place, other names   Ferma Bata
Landmark   Situl se află la 2,38 km E-SE de biserica ortodoxă din Sânnicolau Mare, la 6,37 km V de biserica ortodoxă din Saravale, la 205 m N de DJ 682 Sânnicolau Mare – Saravale şi la 190 m S de versantul stâng al unui braţ semifosil al Pârâului Aranca.
Geomorphology   platou
Land utility   teren arabil şi pârloagă
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Image taken from the Chronicle of the Archaeological Excavations in Romania, 2002 Campaign. Report no. 172