Information about the picture
Author   Radu Zăgreanu
Type   Fotografie de la sol
Date of the image   aprilie 2019
Source   „LIMES. Frontiers of the Roman Empire - Dacia”. Components parts, vol 1 (Nomination for inscription on the World Heritage List), 2023.
Internet reference  
Sites linked to the picture
Site Information   Display on the map of Romania*
RAN Code   34556.02
Name   Turnul de epocă romană de la Spermezeu - Lazuri
County   Bistriţa-Năsăud
Commune   Spermezeu
City/Town/Village   Spermezeu
Place   Lazuri
Landmark   Turnul roman se află la nord de localitatea Spermezeu, la poalele Dealului Poienii.
Geomorphology   deal
Land utility   păşune
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