Site Information
Location   Display on the map of Romania
RAN Code   84772.01
Name   Situl arheologic de la Comiat - Szephavas (Muntele Frumos) - fosta capelă romano-catolică Sf. Duh
County   Harghita
Commune   Lunca De Sus
City/Town/Village   Comiat
Place   Szephavas (Muntele Frumos)
Place, other names, other languages   Szephavas
Site Class   structură de cult
Site Type   edificiu religios
Ownership   privată
Owner   Asociaţia "Szephavas" Miercurea Ciuc
Last record update   27.09.2012
Class/ Type Period (Date) Culture/ Cultural phase Documentary attestation Description/ Notes LMI Code
  Type Year Observations Institution Name Forename
1. cercetare preventivă 2012

Muzeul Național Secuiesc - Sf. Gheorghe * *