Site Information
Location   Display on the map of Romania
RAN Code   157987.01
LMI Code (List of Historic Monuments) History Monuments List of 2010   TM-II-m-A-06220
Name   Situl arheologic Biserica de lemn Sf. Dumitru din Dubeşti
County   Timiş
Commune   Ohaba Lungă
City/Town/Village   Dubeşti
Place   Dealul Toplii
Site Class   structură de cult
Site Type   edificiu religios
Ownership   privat
Owner   Parohia ortodoxă Dubeşti
Last record update   07.01.2013
Class/ Type Period (Date) Culture/ Cultural phase Documentary attestation Description/ Notes LMI Code
Biserică de lemn  Epoca modernă       TM-II-m-A-06220 
  Type Year Observations Institution Name Forename
1. cercetare supraveghere 2012

restaurarea bisericii

* PINCA Ioan Răzvan
MI Lugoj * *