Site Information
Location   Display on the map of Romania
RAN Code   85216.06
Name   Situl geto-dacic de la Porumbenii Mari - Somos
County   Harghita
Commune   Porumbeni
City/Town/Village   Porumbenii Mari
Place   Somos
Place, other names, other languages   Corniş
Landmark   pe malul stâng al pârâului Aj
Hydrographic landmark - name   Aj
Site Class   locuire
Site Type   aşezare
Last record update   05.05.2008
Class/ Type Period (Date) Culture/ Cultural phase Documentary attestation Description/ Notes LMI Code
sit  La Tène (sec. I î.Chr. - I d.Chr.) geto-dacică      
  Type Year Observations Institution Name Forename
1. periegheză 1986

* BENKÖ Elek

1. Kavruc, Valerii, Repertoriul arheologic al judeţului Harghita, 2000, 160 [Repertoriu] (site record source)